ACCC has a tradition of conducting shirt campaign/movement during international conventions to share the voices from the vulnerable communities through creative shirts with messages regarding the current issues on climate change. Key messages from ACCC position paper are the main highlight of the design of the shirts.
For this year’s COP28 in Dubai, ACCC shirt campaign “Make it right for Climate Peoples and Ecosystems” highlights three main issues or concern, Loss and Damage, False Solutions, and Just Transition.
No Loans For Loss and Damage Fund, Only Grants
Loss and Damage has been a one of the main highlights in climate negotiations in the recent years, and its progress is quite impressive. Despite its progress, ACCC’s call to the negotiators, that there shall be no loans for Loss and Damage fund, it should be only grants. You may check the whole content of ACCC on Loss and damage in this site entitled “Enabling Peoples, Communities, and Countries Highly at Risk, especially the most vulnerable, face and survive or face the threat of Loss and Damage due to Climate Change Impacts”.
Here are some pictures of youth climate change advocates holding the L&D shirt:

No Time to Waste, No Room for False Solutions
The accumulated climate action is not adequate and will not realistically reach the agreed 1.5 degree Celsius target. Parties have promised to revisit their national plans (NDCs) to increase the ambition that can keep the 1.5 degree target alive. Unfortunately, only a few countries have done so. Urgent action on adaptation is needed as well, particularly for vulnerable communities in developing countries, and the need will increase due to slow mitigation efforts. Thus, commitments to adaptation and mitigation needs to be genuine and urgent. You may check the full content of ACCC position on Mitigation and Adaptation with the title “Urgent and Direct Impactful Climate Solutions, Not False Solutions”
Here are some pictures of Climate Scientists and Native American representatives holding the No to False Solutions shirt:

Just Human & Ecosystems Transition for Climate Resilience
Just transition has emerged as a critical issue across multiple levels of the climate governance landscape. Government and non-government stakeholders are formulating and implementing strategies on how to properly balance the urgency of accelerating adaptation and mitigation measures, while meeting the current sustainable development needs and priorities of countries and communities. You may check the ACCC position paper in this website, with the title ““NOT JUST ANY TRANSITION”: Perspectives on just transition”
Here are some pictures of Climate Advocates and Native American representatives holding the Just Transition shirt: