Temperature below 1.5 degree Celsius

We work towards and advocate keeping temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius and well below.  With the current global temperature of 10 degree Celsius from the industrial level, lives are already at risks.    

We advocate for a shift to 100% Renewable Energy (RE) and utilization of Energy Efficiency (EE) to ensure that temperature increase does not go beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2040.  We call on the divestment from dirty energy and enhanced investment in RE/EE, phase out of existing coal plants and no to new coal-fired power stations, divestment on investment in fossil fuels and enhanced investment on RE/EE over time for national and local governments. In the context of climate justice, hydro and nuclear powers are not the solutions.

Energy access will have to be responded by RE/EE with respects to human rights and all aspects of sustainable development. In keeping temperature well below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we advocate for all opportunities to ensure other greenhouse gases mitigation including the phase down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).#

ACCC Submission to the Talanoa Dialogue for Non-Party Stakeholders
Setting the Path toward 1.5C